Rosa D'AMATO "Ich unterstütze #EUforAnimals"
Alleanza Verdi e Sinistra

Un'Europa veramente civile dovrebbe tutelare anche gli animali. Lo chiedono a gran voce i cittadini e le istituzioni europee dovrebbero rispondere con atti concreti. Per questo vogliamo che il Commissario UE per la salute e la sicurezza alimentare diventi responsabile anche per la tutela del benessere degli animali. Fermiamo la crudeltà sugli animali. I support #EUforAnimals
A truly fair Europe should also protect animals. Citizens are demanding this and EU institutions must respond with concrete actions. That's why we ask that the EU Commissioner for Health and Food Safety should become the Commissioner for Health, Food Safety and Animal Welfare. Let's stop animal cruelty.
I support #EUforAnimals
A truly fair Europe should also protect animals. Citizens are demanding this and EU institutions must respond with concrete actions. That's why we ask that the EU Commissioner for Health and Food Safety should become the Commissioner for Health, Food Safety and Animal Welfare. Let's stop animal cruelty.
I support #EUforAnimals